دىققەت - ساقلىغاندىن كېيىن، تور كۆرگۈنىڭ غەملىكىنى تازىلىغاندىن كېيىنلا ئاندىن ئېلىپ بارغان ئۆزگەرتىشنى كۆرەلەيسىز.

  • Firefox / Safari: دا Shift كۇنۇپكىسىنى بېسىپ تۇرۇپ قايتا يۈكلەنى ياكى Ctrl-F5 ياكى Ctrl-R (Mac تا ⌘-R
  • Google Chrome: دا Ctrl-Shift-R (⌘-Shift-R Mac)
  • Internet Explorer: دا Ctrl نى بېسىپ تۇرۇپ يېڭىلا, ياكى Ctrl-F5؛
  • Opera: دا قورال → مايىللىقلار؛ نى بېسىپ غەملەكنى تازىلاڭ.
/* Any JavaScript here will be loaded for all users on every page load. */

==JavaScript standard library==


 * importScript inserts a javascript page either 
 *    from Wiktionary: importScript('User:Connel MacKensie/yetanother.js');
 *    from another Wikimedia wiki: importScript('User:Lupin/insane.js','en.wikipedia.org');
 *    by specifying the third argument, an oldid can be passed to ensure that updates to the script are not included.
 *    by specifying the fourth argument, a specific version of JavaScript can be declared.
 *    based on [[en:MediaWiki:Common.js]] 2014-3-8
function importScript(page, wiki, oldid) {
	// Default to local
	if (!wiki) {
	} else {

	var url = wiki + '?title='
		+ mw.util.wikiUrlencode(page)
		+ (oldid ? '&oldid=' + encodeURIComponent(oldid) : '')
		+ '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript';

	if (window.console && (arguments.length > 1)) {
		console.warn("importScript called with more than one argument. this may not work reliably. instead use mw.loader.load('" + url + "');");

	// Only include scripts once
	return true;

=== DOM creation ===
 * Create a new DOM node for the current document.
 *    Basic usage:  var mySpan = newNode('span', "Hello World!")
 *    Supports attributes and event handlers*: var mySpan = newNode('span', {style:"color: red", focus: function(){alert(this)}, id:"hello"}, "World, Hello!")
 *    Also allows nesting to create trees: var myPar = newNode('p', newNode('b',{style:"color: blue"},"Hello"), mySpan)
 * *event handlers, there are some issues with IE6 not registering event handlers on some nodes that are not yet attached to the DOM,
 * it may be safer to add event handlers later manually.
function newNode(tagname){
	var node = document.createElement(tagname);

	for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; ++i){
		if (typeof arguments[i] == 'string') { // text
		} else if (typeof arguments[i] == 'object') {
			if (arguments[i].nodeName) { //If it is a DOM Node
			} else { // Attributes (hopefully)
				for (var j in arguments[i]){
					if (j == 'class') { //Classname different because...
						node.className = arguments[i][j];
					} else if (j == 'style') { //Style is special
						node.style.cssText = arguments[i][j];
					} else if (typeof arguments[i][j] == 'function') { //Basic event handlers
						newNode.addEventHandler(node, j, arguments[i][j]);
					} else {
						node.setAttribute(j, arguments[i][j]); //Normal attributes

	node.addEventHandler = function(eventName, handler) {
		newNode.addEventHandler(this, eventName, handler);

	return node;

newNode.addEventHandler = function(node, eventName, handler)
	try{ node.addEventListener(eventName,handler,false); //W3C
	}catch(e){try{ node.attachEvent('on'+eventName,handler,"Language"); //MSIE
	}catch(e){ node['on'+eventName]=handler; }} //Legacy

=== CSS ===

 * Cross browser CSS - yurk
 * @deprecated: Use mw.util.addCSS() instead
var p_styleSheet=false;
window.addCSSRule = function (selector,cssText) {
	if (window.console)
		console.warn("deprecated function addCSSRule called; use mw.util.addCSS(css) instead");
	mw.util.addCSS( selector+'{' + cssText + '}' );



/* @deprecated: Use $.cookie instead */
function setCookie(cookieName, cookieValue) {
	if (window.console)
		console.warn("deprecated function setCookie called; use jQuery.cookie instead");
	var today = new Date();
	var expire = new Date();
	var nDays = 30;
	expire.setTime( today.getTime() + (3600000 * 24 * nDays) );
	document.cookie = cookieName + "=" + escape(cookieValue)
		+ ";path=/"
		+ ";expires="+expire.toGMTString();

function getCookie(cookieName) {
	if (window.console)
		console.warn("deprecated function getCookie called; use jQuery.cookie instead");
  var start = document.cookie.indexOf( cookieName + "=" );
  if ( start == -1 ) return "";
  var len = start + cookieName.length + 1;
  if ( ( !start ) &&
	( cookieName != document.cookie.substring( 0, cookieName.length ) ) )
		return "";
  var end = document.cookie.indexOf( ";", len );
  if ( end == -1 ) end = document.cookie.length;
  return unescape( document.cookie.substring( len, end ) );

function deleteCookie(cookieName) {
	if (window.console)
		console.warn("deprecated function deleteCookie called; use jQuery.cookie instead");
	if (getCookie(cookieName)) {
		document.cookie = cookieName + "=" + ";path=/" + ";expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:01 GMT";


==Wiktionary Customisation==

if ( document.getElementById('footer') ) {

//initialize the storage for script options. Gadgets that set script
//options should also include this line as they are loaded before us.
if ( typeof WiktScriptPrefs == 'undefined') {
	WiktScriptPrefs = {};


===Edit page javascript===
$(document).ready( function() { 
 if ( mw.config.get('wgAction') == 'edit' || mw.config.get('wgAction') == 'submit' || document.getElementById('editpage-specialchars') ) {

== Visibility toggling ==
var VisibilityToggles = {
	// toggles[category] = [[show, hide],...]; statuses[category] = [true, false,...]; buttons = <li>
	toggles: {}, statuses: {}, buttons: null,

	// Add a new toggle, adds a Show/Hide category button in the toolbar,
	// and will call show_function and hide_function once on register, and every alternate click.
	register: function (category, show_function, hide_function) {

		var id = 0;
		if (!this.toggles[category]) {
			this.toggles[category] = [];
			this.statuses[category] = [];
		} else {
			id = this.toggles[category].length;
		this.toggles[category].push([show_function, hide_function]);

		(this.statuses[category][id] ? show_function : hide_function)();

		return function () {
			var statuses = VisibilityToggles.statuses[category];
			statuses[id] = !statuses[id]
			return (statuses[id] ? show_function : hide_function)();


	// Add a new global toggle to the side bar
	addGlobalToggle: function(category) {
		if (document.getElementById('p-visibility-'+category))
		if (!this.buttons) {
			this.buttons = newNode('ul');
			var collapsed = $.cookie("vector-nav-p-visibility") == "false", toolbox = newNode('div', {'class': "portal portlet "+(collapsed?"collapsed":"expanded"), 'id': 'p-visibility'},
							newNode('h3', 'يوشۇرۇن مەزمۇنلار'),
							newNode('div', {'class': "pBody body"}, collapsed?undefined:{'style':'display:block;'}, this.buttons)
			var sidebar = document.getElementById('mw-panel') || document.getElementById('column-one');
			var insert = null;
			if (insert = (document.getElementById('p-lang') || document.getElementById('p-feedback')))
				sidebar.insertBefore(toolbox, insert);

		var status = this.currentStatus(category);
		var newToggle = newNode('li', newNode('a', {
			id: 'p-visibility-' + category, 
			style: 'cursor: pointer',
			href: '#visibility-' + category,
			click: function(e)
				if (e && e.preventDefault)
					window.event.returnValue = false;
				return false; 
			(status ? 'يوشۇر: ' : 'كۆرسەت: ') + category));
		for (var i=0; i < this.buttons.childNodes.length; i++) {
			if (this.buttons.childNodes[i].id < newToggle.id) {
				this.buttons.insertBefore(newToggle, this.buttons.childNodes[i]);

	// Update the toggle-all buttons when all things are toggled one way
	checkGlobalToggle: function(category) {
		var statuses = this.statuses[category];
		var status = statuses[0];
		for (var i = 1; i < statuses.length; i++) {
			if (status != statuses[i])
		document.getElementById('p-visibility-' + category).innerHTML = (status ? 'يوشۇر: ' : 'كۆرسەت: ') + category;

	// Toggle all un-toggled elements when the global button is clicked
	toggleGlobal: function(category) {
		var status = document.getElementById('p-visibility-' + category).innerHTML.indexOf('Show ') == 0;
		for (var i = 0; i < this.toggles[category].length; i++ ) {
			if (this.statuses[category][i] != status) {
				this.toggles[category][i][status ? 0 : 1]();
				this.statuses[category][i] = status;
		document.getElementById('p-visibility-' + category).innerHTML = (status ? 'يوشۇر: ' : 'كۆرسەت: ') + category;
		var current = jQuery.cookie('Visibility');
		if (!current)
			current = ";";
		current = current.replace(';' + category + ';', ';');
		if (status)
			current = current + category + ";";
		setCookie('Visibility', current);

	currentStatus: function(category) {
		if (window.location.hash.toLowerCase().split('_')[0] == '#' + category.toLowerCase())
			return true;
		if (window.location.href.search(/[?](.*&)?hidecats=/) > 0)
			var hidecats = window.location.href;
			hidecats = hidecats.replace(/^[^?]+[?]((?!hidecats=)[^&]*&)*hidecats=/, '');
			hidecats = hidecats.replace(/&.*/, '');
			hidecats = hidecats.split(',');
			for (var i = 0; i < hidecats.length; ++i)
				if (hidecats[i] == category || hidecats[i] == 'all')
					return false;
				else if (hidecats[i] == '!' + category || hidecats[i] == 'none')
					return true;
		if (jQuery.cookie('WiktionaryPreferencesShowNav') == 'true')
			return true;
		if ((jQuery.cookie('Visibility') || "").indexOf(';' + category + ';') >= 0)
			return true;
		// TODO check category-specific cookies
		return false;

=== NavBars ===
var NavigationBarHide = 'يوشۇر ▲';
var NavigationBarShow = 'كۆرسەت ▼';

function NavToggleCategory(navFrame)
	var table = navFrame.getElementsByTagName('table')[0];
	if (table && table.className == "translations")
		return "translations";

	var heading = navFrame.previousSibling;
	while (heading) {
		if (/[hH][4-6]/.test(heading.nodeName)) {
			if (heading.getElementsByTagName('span')[1])
				heading = heading.getElementsByTagName('span')[0];
			return $(heading).text().toLowerCase()
				// jQuery's .text() is inconsistent about whitespace:
				.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '').replace(/\s+/g, ' ')
				// remove numbers added by the "Auto-number headings" pref:
				.replace(/^[1-9][0-9.]+ ?/, '');
		else if (/[hH][1-3]/.test(heading.nodeName)) 
		heading = heading.previousSibling;
	return "رامكا";

function createNavToggle(navFrame){
	var navHead, navToggle, navContent;
	for (var j=0; j < navFrame.childNodes.length; j++) {
		var div = navFrame.childNodes[j];
		switch (div.className) {
			case 'NavHead':
				navHead = div;
			case 'NavContent':
				navContent = div;
	if (!navHead || !navContent)
	// Step 1, don't react when a subitem is clicked.
	for (var i=0; i<navHead.childNodes.length; i++) {
		var child = navHead.childNodes[i];
		if (child.nodeName == "A") {
			child.onclick = function (e)
				if (e && e.stopPropagation)
					window.event.cancelBubble = true;
	// Step 2, toggle visibility when bar is clicked.
	// NOTE This function was chosen due to some funny behaviour in Safari.
	navToggle = newNode('a', {href: 'javascript:(function(){})()'}, '');
	navHead.insertBefore(newNode('span', {'class': 'NavToggle'}, '[', navToggle, ']'), navHead.firstChild);

	navHead.style.cursor = "pointer";
	navHead.onclick = VisibilityToggles.register(NavToggleCategory(navFrame),
		function show() {
			navToggle.innerHTML = NavigationBarHide;
			if (navContent)
				navContent.style.display = "block";
		function hide() {
			navToggle.innerHTML = NavigationBarShow;
			if (navContent)
				navContent.style.display = "none";

$( function ()
	var divs = $(".NavFrame");
	for (var i=0; i<divs.length; i++) {
		// NOTE: some templates use a class of NavFrame for the style, but for legacy reasons, are not NavFrames
		if (divs[i].className == "NavFrame") {



===Hidden Quotes===

function setupHiddenQuotes(li) {
	var HQToggle, liComp, dl;
	var HQShow = 'مەسىلەن ▼';
	var HQHide = 'مەسىلەن ▲';
	for (var k = 0; k < li.childNodes.length; k++) {
		// Look at each component of the definition.
		liComp = li.childNodes[k];
		if ( liComp.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "dl" && !dl ) {
			dl = liComp;
		// If we find a ul or dl, we have quotes or example sentences, and thus need a button.
		if (/^(ul|UL)$/.test(liComp.nodeName)) {
			HQToggle = newNode('a', {href: 'javascript:(function(){})()'}, '');
			li.insertBefore(newNode('span', {'class': 'HQToggle'}, ' [', HQToggle, ']'), dl || liComp);
			HQToggle.onclick = VisibilityToggles.register('مىسال',
				function show() {
					HQToggle.innerHTML = HQHide;
					for (var child = li.firstChild; child != null; child = child.nextSibling) {
						if (/^(ul|UL)$/.test(child.nodeName)) {
							child.style.display = 'block';
				function hide() {
					HQToggle.innerHTML = HQShow;
					for (var child = li.firstChild; child != null; child = child.nextSibling) {
						if (/^(ul|UL)$/.test(child.nodeName)) {
							child.style.display = 'none';

$(function () {
	if (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') == 0) {
		var ols, lis, li;
		// First, find all the ordered lists, i.e. all the series of definitions.
		var ols = document.getElementsByTagName('ol');
		for(var i = 0; i < ols.length; i++) {
		 // Then, for every set, find all the individual definitions.
			for (var j = 0; j < ols[i].childNodes.length; j++) {
				li = ols[i].childNodes[j];
				if (li.nodeName.toUpperCase() == 'LI') {


== Interproject links ==

### ProjectLinks
###  by [[user:Pathoschild]] (idea from an older, uncredited script)
###    * generates a sidebar list of links to other projects from {{projectlinks}}
$(function () {
	var elements = new Array();
	var spans = document.getElementsByTagName('span');

	// filter for projectlinks
	for (var i=0, j=0; i<spans.length; i++) {
		if (spans[i].className == 'interProject') {
			elements[j] = spans[i].getElementsByTagName('a')[0];

	if (j == 0)

	// sort alphabetically
	function sortbylabel(a,b) {
		// get labels
		a = a.innerHTML.replace(/^.*<a[^>]*>(.*)<\/a>.*$/i,'$1');
		b = b.innerHTML.replace(/^.*<a[^>]*>(.*)<\/a>.*$/i,'$1');

		// return sort order
		if (a < b) return -1;
		if (a > b) return 1;
		return 0;

	// Create the list of project links
	var pllist = newNode('ul');
	for (var i=0; i<elements.length; i++) {
		pllist.appendChild(newNode('li', elements[i]));
	var collapsed = $.cookie("vector-nav-p-projects") == "false";
	var projectBox = newNode('div', {'class': 'portlet portal '+(collapsed?"collapsed":"expanded"), id: 'p-projects'}, 
		newNode('h3', 'قېرىنداش ۋىكىلاردا'),
		newNode('div', {'class': 'pBody body'}, collapsed?undefined:{'style':'display:block;'}, pllist)

	var insert = document.getElementById('p-tb');
	if (!insert)

	if (insert.nextSibling)
		insert.parentNode.insertBefore(projectBox, insert.nextSibling);